Nagy Sept 2018 Update

“La Liberté de L’Interieur” (Freedom Within)

Here is an encouraging story we heard about God using a simple five-minute film to open a heart:

Our group went out from the church. We didn’t go far, but we turned near the church and went up a long driveway.

At the end of the driveway, there was a man sitting and a woman standing further off. The man was watching television, frowning, but he muted the TV when he saw us approaching. He seemed discontent with life and apathetic to our presence. He looked off to the distance as the pastor introduced himself and shared a summary of the film “La Liberté” – that this film would describe freedom that a man finds, freedom that we can have ourselves.


The man turned to the screen and the woman came over. Together, they watched the film. Not another sound was heard. The surrounding area was still and quiet as they watched the story unfold. Partway through, the man began to cry. “I haven’t shed a tear since my childhood,” he confessed, “but this story touched me.” He admitted that he has many struggles in his life that trap him and he wished he could be freed like this man.


The pastor went on to explain how this freedom is possible in Christ and shared more of his testimony and the gospel. After about ten minutes, he led them in prayer. Both the man and the woman repeated the words of the prayers. Their whole countenance changed as smiles graced their faces.

As the group left, they exchanged contact information and names in order to continue to meet with this man and woman and follow-up.

“La Liberté” and many other conversation-starting films can be found on the free Jesus Film app. Search “Jesus Film Project”  in your app store and download it to your phone today!

About nagyworld

We serve with the JESUS Film Project a ministry of Cru. We love the Lord and have the privilege of using our gifting in art, design, and film making to provide tools to make Him known.

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